Upper Arlington
Katie can help you find Upper Arlington Ohio real estate, Upper Arlington Ohio real estate, Upper Arlington homes for sale and information about the Upper Arlington Ohio real estate market.
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You’ll love Upper Arlington Ohio real estate! The City of Upper Arlington is a first-ring, primarily residential suburb of Columbus, Ohio. Approximately 90 years old and just under 10 square miles in size, Upper Arlington is called home by more than 33,000 residents, with multiple generations of the same family to be found in close proximity to each other. They value its strong sense of tradition and community, excellent school system, beautiful neighborhoods with mature street trees, and the many exceptional safety and city services that are provided.
Over the decades, the community has often been a leader in setting the standard for quality of life expectations. UA boasts an extensive and well-used network of community parks with a rich variety of active and passive recreational opportunities. Community gatherings and celebrations are the standard not the exception here, including a resident-driven Fourth of July parade and festival, the region’s premier one-day arts festival, summer concerts and more. Just a few of the many reasons you’ll love Upper Arlington Ohio real estate.
In the mid-1970s, Upper Arlington made the conscious decision to halt its physical growth, and to shift its focus to maintaining and enhancing a quality residential environment, with the goal of growing deeper and stronger as a community… this also make Upper Arlington Ohio real estate more valuable.
With an ideal central location and close proximity to The Ohio State University, Upper Arlington residents are well educated and place great value on opportunities for continuing their own lifelong learning, as well as ensuring a quality learning environment for their children. You’ll love to buy Upper Arlington Ohio real estate.
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Be sure to visit our Upper Arlington MLS search.
- Upper Arlington Ohio real estate is in the Upper Arlington school district, an exceptional public school system, which comprises one high school, two middle schools, and five elementary schools
- Each UA school has been cited for excellence by the U.S. Department of Education, and the district has earned an “excellent” rating from the Ohio Department of Education on the annual State Report Card
- The district offers preschool and before- and after-school child care programs
- SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) scores are in the top two percent of the nation
- Approximately 95 percent of Upper Arlington High School graduates go on to attend colleges and universities