Schumacher Place
Katie can help you find Schumacher Place real estate, Schumacher Place homes for sale and information about the Schumacher Place real estate market.
Be sure to visit our Columbus Ohio MLS search to see Schumacher Place real estate.
You’ll love Schumacher Place real estate, especially in the Schumacher Place neighborhood. This is a small area located east of German Village, a vibrant community that was named a 2011 APA Great Neighborhood, and is often mistaken as part of it. It is bordered on the north by East Livingston Avenue, the east by Parsons Avenue, the south by East Whittier Street, and the west by South Sixth Street.
Hidden away in the neighborhood is an auto museum, where collectors Steve Wagner and Mark Hagans store their classic cars, not to mention vintage gas pumps, service-station signs, scores of old license plates and other neatly arranged auto memorabilia — just a few reasons you’ll love Schumacher Place real estate.
Schumacher Place might resemble German Village to the west, but there are differences. For example, houses cost less, and there are no tough restrictions on what color you paint them or what kind of windows you can put in.
You might also like Merion Village, the Brewery District or downtown Columbus Ohio real estate.
Be sure to visit our Columbus Ohio MLS search to see Schumacher Place real estate.
- Schumacher Place real estate is in the Columbus City Schools system
- Columbus City Schools is largest school district in the state of Ohio
- There are a total of 118 active schools in the district
- Received a “C” rating for the 2011-2012 Ohio Schools Report Card, meaning that it is continuously improving
- Graduation rate is higher than the national average
— From Schumacher Place’s blog. Image from Columbus Dispatch.